IT'S AWESOME, BABY!! A super, scintilating, sensational field of 33 battling it out for the coveted 2010 MT Name of the Year title. I gotta tell you, baby, I am so fired up right now!
Can favorite Maryluz Bravo-Axline cruise her way to the championship? Will Malachi Charbonneau, who narrowly missed out on a #1 seed, fight his way to victory? What about the stacked Southcoast region - Wen Hao Wu as a seven seed? Are you serious?!
That's right, we've got our bracket. The action kicks off tomorrow in our play-in game, as Gene Dhooge battles it out with Guido Quesada for the right to face Peter Art in the tournament's first round. We'll tally the vote(s) throughout the day, and announce the winner Wednesay morning. Then the real action begins Wednesday night, primetime, as the Canton region's first round games takes center stage.
Until then, grab a bracket and get ready to cast your vote. It's go time, America.
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